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Shopon Hossine
May 25, 2022
In General Discussion
A few days after taking office, on C Level Executive List December 29, 2015, Macri transferred the wiretapping office of the Attorney General to the Supreme Court by a decree of necessity and urgency27. The Court threw a bit of a C Level Executive List tantrum, but in February 2016 it said yes. The Directorate for Judicial Assistance in Complex Crimes and Organized Crime (day deco) was heavily criticized for leaks that were used C Level Executive List as of 2015 to carry out political operations in me god of communication The Court never said anything. In March 2016, Macri repealed by C Level Executive List decree the new regime for the administration of reserved funds and everything became secret again28. His administration was accused of using the AFI to persecute his political C Level Executive List opponents, his supporters and his relatives. There are multiple causes and more than ten agents were prosecuted. The high commands were dismissed by a ruling C Level Executive List of the Federal Chamber, which considered that the spies acted for their own motivations. The response of the "self-employed" was immediate. Shortly after, the afi found the C Level Executive List aforementioned disk with the video of a meeting of officials of the former governor of the province of Buenos Aires María Eugenia Vidal with businessmen and three high-ranking officials of the intelligence agency to put together a case against a trade unionist. accused of corruption. And it C Level Executive List was there that the Minister of Labor pronounced the phrase referring to the anti-union Gestapo. The "Gestapo" was there, as Béliz had warned in 2004. Macri, in turn, was prosecuted for illegal espionage on the relatives of the victims of the Ara C Level Executive List San Juan submarine, which sank at the end of 2017 with its 44 crew members.
Shopon Hossine
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